Optimal Health using Bach Flower Vibrational Flower Therapy

Edward Bach was a highly successful English bacteriologist and homeopathic physician and finished his completed Bach Flower Remedy Therapy in 1936. Bach Flower Remedies rank among subtle healing methods not via the physical body but directly influencing the body’s energetic system. His spiritual aligned work connects with similar beliefs from Hippocrates, Paracelsus, and Samuel Hahnemann. 

Bach’s earlier work was directed toward vaccine development relating to colon and chronic disease. By observing the psychic components in physical diseases, he observed that certain personality types, in relation to their reactions to the environment, would display similar reactions to physical illnesses. He started to focus his work on personality types and healing plants and flowers. 

Today, on the shelves in many grocery and specialty stores around the world, we are able to find his well-known first aid or emergency remedy called Rescue Remedy. This Remedy is the only one that has a particular combination of flowers in it that is suitable for anyone to ingest. The other remedies are mixed according to observation and assessment of persons and animals on an individual basis. In 1930 Bach saved a fisherman’s life with Rescue Remedy. It is regularly used to immediately restore calm and confidence in stressful situations among being affective in preventing menstrual cramps, gallbladder problems, colic, boils, epileptic seizures, and migraines. (The Bach Flower System, Mechthild Scheffer, 1999, pg. 205-207). 

The Bach Flower Remedy system is complex and has been organized in teaching and learning modules and is gaining a renewed interest as it continues to be practiced by healers around the globe. The flowers that Bach uses are plants that embody high vibration energy that connects with our human and animal souls. These frequencies match certain frequencies in both the human and animal energy fields. By acting as a catalyst, Bach Flowers reconnect the specific, blocked contact between the Soul and the personality of the individual being. This way the Soul is “heard” again by the personality. Our living organism as a whole will withhold the grip of separation and as a whole unit harmonize with her/his higher Soul. The individual is able to find his way out of his own human confusion and limitations by integrating Flower Remedies. 

Simply stated this highly beneficial Flower Therapy is used for cleansing and fine-tuning the energetic body. Through this consistent practice, the physical body is able to maintain a state of homeostasis and connection with the earth, which is a natural unconscious tendency of all living organisms.

For generations, healers and physicians have been searching, cultivating, and producing remedies for healing, well-being, and longevity. What I am realizing more and more is that by integrating all the best healing tools into our daily lives, eating holistic foods, implementing vitamins, minerals and high-frequency natural remedies, rest, exercise, being in nature, building a community, social activity, pursuing our passions in life, serving and giving back, then we are able to live happier and healthier lives.



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