Healing Touch for Animals

What is the practice of Healing Touch for Animals founded by Carol Komitor in the 1980’s, how does it work, what do the techniques look like and what are the benefits of integrating Healing Touch for Animals into an animal’s everyday life. 

The energetic system of living beings is made up of energetic centers or oftentimes called as Chakra centers. The Chakra centers located within the physical body are located and rotate along the spine have a front and backside. Their location directly correlates with the functions of the organs and glands within that region on a physical and energetic level. 

Meridian pathways transport energy to all systems, such as the circulatory, lymphatic, muscular, and nervous system within the body. The energy field that surrounds us and is outside of the physical body is called the Aura. All living species and organisms are made up of energy. It is important to recognize that environmental stressors and stimuli will pass through the energy field as they enter and leave our body. WE connect with the energy of the environment we live in. As Carol states in her interview with me in May 2019, “The energy field collects the data of our life experiences and stores it. The field can hold energetic baggage from past trauma, disease or illness.” 

The human energy field in comparison to the animal energy field is quite different. The human energy field consists of four distinct layers that extend about four to six feet past our physical bodies. These four layers are: 1) the physical body, 2) the emotional body, 3) the mental body and 4) the spiritual connection to God and Universe. Attaining and maintaining a consistent balance between these layer is vital for health and well-being. Throughout evolution, human beings have a lesser instinctual capability than other species and use their logical brain as the main driving force making decisions. 

The energy system of the animal consists of one large instinctual and pixilated energy field. In comparison with humans, animals use the edge of their energy field to read their environment and make instinctual decisions based on what is presented in their environment. Their Instinct allows them to determine what is naturally good or harmful for them. The energetic field of the animal is at least ten times larger than that of the human. The animal instinctual field is also not layered and will not collect energetic debris or toxins in between the layers as it can with humans. The animal is able to clean and release energetic blockages such as traumas, injuries and illnesses with more ease due to their pixilated and fully integrated energy field. This is also why animals are so receptive to energy medicine. 

Through HTA techniques, actual molecules of energy are stimulated, flow through the body, and increase the life force of that body. The pixels in the pixelated energy field of animals are able to line up and the body becomes supported, with a better sense of balance and creating a sense of stability and strength within their own energy fields so that they can move forward with whatever is going on. They are able to “right” themselves and bring that energy into a consistent support system promoting optimum health.

Healing Touch for Animals is a holistic approach using energy medicine and intention to influence and facilitate the health and well-being of all animals. The techniques used restore harmony and balance the animal’s energy system while providing physical, emotional, mental, behavioral and instinctual stability. When the energy system is stabilized, a natural physiological relaxation response sets in and supports the immune system which in turn promotes well-being by encouraging the healing process, for the body to recalibrate and return to homeostasis. Homeostasis is the natural preferred state of being and is an optical and desires state for body functionality. 

Physical signs of relaxation are indicators that the body is responding to the energy work that is taking place or they are signs that the session is concluded. We will notice relaxation signs such as lowering of the head, eyes softening and closing, lips and mouth softening, stomach gurgles, deep breaths or sighs, animal settling down, release of gas, stretching different parts of the body, licking and chewing, just to name a few.  

When the body is relaxed, the body has a chance to recalibrate, “right” and reset itself. Studies have shown that relaxation improves 1) oxygen flow to organs, 2) strengthens muscles and bones, 3) decreases the risk of diseases, treats and prevents various diseases, 4) heals injuries and illness faster, 5) reduces muscle injury, arthritis and inflammation, 6) re-energizes the brain, balances hormonal levels, increasing serotonin and releasing endorphins. , 7) helps the animal to understand appropriate behavior, 8) strengthen the animal-human bond, 9) reduce stress and anxiety, 10) supports animals through injuries, illnesses, physical and emotional trauma, abuse and grief, 11) build a solid foundation for cancer patients, 12) develop confidence for training and competition, 13) energetically support the animal through the end of life transition.

Healing Touch for Animals is being practiced all over the world and with all species. This practice is a form of energy medicine which is explained within Biofield Science.

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