Himalayan Sacred Sound of Healing

When we discuss “healing,” we need to know what that word means. Healing can have two meanings, one is as a cure and reaching a final desired result and the other is an infinite process, one leading toward optimal and overall wellness. Healing is a journey back to our energetic matrix within our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body. 

A body that is in optimal balance is able to withstand environmental stressors. The vibrational shifts that take place during healing are also an awakening. The cells in our body start to vibrate and re-awaken with energy and vigor and are more easily able to maintain balance and perform their job with the highest resonance. 

Sounds are everywhere, even within our body, such as the sounds of our internal respiratory system, the sounds of the heartbeat pumping our blood through our body or the sounds our cells make as they vibrate. Everything is interconnected in our physical body on earth surrounded by the consistent environmental stimuli and sound. How we think, feel, and act has impact in return. 

Our body is a vehicle through which frequencies are transmitted. Tibetan Healing sounds have been used for centuries to transform our consciousness and emit a regulatory drip of daily balance and health. Electromagnetic transmitters have been developed to measure the vibrations that take place within the body during sound healing. As the Tibetan bowls are played, the vibrations of the sounds travel through the ear canal to the nervous system. Through the energetic body we access the physical body and its systems. When the sounds produced are of healing quality, they have a balancing, soothing, or enhancing effect. Blood pressure, the cardiorespiratory system, the left and right brain hemispheres regain their referred state of operation. When we connect with sound therapy on this level on a regular basis, our physical, mental, spiritual and emotional being will live in a regulatory state of natural harmony, one in conjunction with the earth we reside on. 

The effects that various instruments have is a rather new exploration with different animal species. With more research, this work will become more validated and hopefully soon, will see a more intricate combination of alternative and Western healing medicines practiced regularly in our modern, benefiting our animals we cohabitate with and need to serve and protect.

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