Validity of Human and Animal Energy Therapies

Throughout history, energy therapies, practices and techniques have been explored, developed and practiced as beneficial vibrational healing medicine for humans well before actual “medicine” came into existence. These therapies have also been extremely scrutinized as being valid due to scientifically having no machine to objectively measure and validate energetic pattern changes in the physical body relating to the vibrational therapies.

In our modern world today, these types of healing therapies fall under the category of “biofield science.” In this field, energy therapy techniques are scientifically measured by the affects they have on the energetic anatomy of the human body. Electromagnetic instruments have been developed that are able to detect changes in our biomagnetic field associated with physiological activities taking place in the body. Simply stated, little electrical currents in our cells, which in turn generate larger magnetic fields connect all of our cells and tissues in our body and make life possible. All tissues and organs produce specific magnetic pulsations that create an integrative energetic grid and communicative matrix throughout our whole body keeping our body in homeostasis (Tuning the Human Biofield, Eileen Day McKusick, 2014, pg ix-x).

The universe as a whole is in constant vibration. This means that everything that is living is in constant frequency and vibration and all these components, small or large, vibrating slower or faster, interact together as a collective whole. Our own system, physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental is therefore affected by the vibrations of our environment and we in turn affect our environment. This is true for all living beings, including animals. The body “is able to decode complex streams of environmental information that can lead to health or disease (McKusick 2014, xiii).”

Energy Therapies include techniques such as touch, sound, smell and taste to alter vibrational states in the body on molecular levels. A touch modality that is commonly used to move energy in the body is massage. Tuning Forks are used on or off the body to move energy through sound vibrations. Ultrasound machines used in modern medicine, use sound frequency to break up congestion in bodily tissues. And our olfactory and gustatory systems when stimulated carry receptors to the nervous system and decode information that alter our internal vibrational state. Many essential oils and Bach flower remedies are used for internal and external vibrational balance. For example, Lavender oil is believed to have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties and is used to heal minor burns and bug bites.

The vast uses for energetic medicine for both humans and animals is exciting to explore, to understand and integrate in our daily lives. Vibrational medicines are remedies and technologies carrying high-end frequency that invite our energetic field to resonate at this higher vibration. Energy therapy involve integrating the whole system by connecting to the source and not the symptoms. Through relaxation, the body is able to recalibrate and align itself. Our energetic field cannot resonate with the increased vibrational pulsations without shedding the old. Traumas, energy blockages and old patterns are gently brought into the light of consciousness to be released.

We see that using energy therapy with animals has immediate and significant effects. Animals do not have the mental blocks for the remedies to work through, nor do they have great expectations. Animals are naturally attuned. Vibrational remedies for all sentient beings are powerful yet non-invasive ways providing support for the integration and stabilization of body and soul generating health and well-being.

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